You may find some resources and materials to promote literacy about death and grief, regardless of the level of action with the bereaved.
Free Grief Supports from the Irish Hospice Foundation
Grief explained
Free Grief Supports from the Irish Hospice Foundation
Grief explained
Delivering Bad News
Videos from Wendy Lichtenthal funded program to illustrate the differences between the nuances in grief and bereavement
Bereaved Mother with Prolonged Grief Disorder
Bereaved Mother with Normative Grief
Bereaved Mother with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Widow with Prolonged Grief Disorder
Widower with Prolonged Grief Disorder
Widower with Major Depressive Disorder
Widow with Normative Grief
Podcast Prochild CoLab: How to help children grief
(Como ajudar as crianças em processo de luto)
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