
Meet Our Team

Portuguese Team: University of Maia

Daniela Alves Nogueira
Carla Cunha
Eunice Dias Barbosa
Patricia Pinheiro

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Portuguese Team: CHUSJ

Joana Luz Soares
Eduardo Carqueja
Claudia Sousa
Vitor Viana

Spanish Team: University of Comillas

Maria Prieto
Rafael Jódar
Juan Pedro Nuñez
Mª Elena Gismero González
José Gamoneda Larripa
Alejandro de la Traba López

Spanish Team: DOSABRAZOS

Carlos Hernández Fernández

Italian Team: University of Salento

Claudia Venuleo
Omar Gelo
Cosimo Alessandro Quarta
Tiziana Marinaci
Lucrezia Ferrante
Gloria Lagetto
Simone Rollo

Danish Team: DKNCG

Marie Stigaard Tølbøll (MA & M.Sc)
Tina Graven Østergaard (MA and MSc)

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Daniela Alves Nogueira
Portuguese Team: University of Maia

Daniela Alves Nogueira is the coordinator of AURORA Project. She has a degree in Psychology and a PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology from the University of Salamanca. She is an invited assistant professor in the Psychology degree and in the Master of Clinical and Health Psychology of the University of Maia and a researcher belonging to the UNIDEP of the same institution. She is currently coordinating a transnational study on the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on grief processes and emotional well-being. She is a full member of the Portuguese Psychologists Order, with a specialty in Clinical and Health Psychology and an advanced specialty in Psychotherapy. Her clinical activity as a psychotherapist has focused on the area of grief and bereavement.

Carla Cunha
Portuguese Team: University of Maia

Carla Cunha, is co-cordinator of AURORA Project and Associate Professor at the University of Maia, where she teaches Emotion Focused Therapy (ECT) in the PhD program in Psychology and is coordinator of the Master in Clinical and Health Psychology. Carla is a Clinical and Health Psychologist, with advanced specialization in Psychotherapy by the Portuguese Psychologists Order (OPP) and an accredited therapist in EFT, recognized by isEFT (International Society for Emotion-Focused Therapy). Carla Cunha is the coordinator of the EmpoweringEFT@EU project, being directly involved in the development of the different intellectual outputs related to the training and supervision of new Portuguese KET therapists, as well as in the development of the best practice manuals for KET training and the digital platform for dissemination and support of KET practice.

Eunice Dias Barbosa
Portuguese Team: University of Maia

Eunice Barbosa, PhD in Clinical Psychology, is a Clinical Psychologist with specialization in Clinical and Health Psychology by the Portuguese Psychologists Order (OPP), and an Invited Assistant Professor at University of Maia. She has clinical experience in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and training in Emotion Focused Therapy (level 1), by Portuguese Society of Emotions Focused Therapy. As researcher, she participated in different research project, in which she was involved in the evaluation of clinical effectiveness in the treatments for depression, elaboration of clinical intervention manuals, training of clinical psychologists/therapists and other health professionals, as well as in the intervention therapeutic using technological components. Currently, she is a member of a research project in the context of grief and bereavement. Her scientific production focused on the processes of change in psychotherapy.

Patricia Pinheiro
Portuguese Team: University of Maia

Patrícia Pinheiro is a Clinical and Health Psychologist, being a full member of the Portuguese Psychologists Order. She completed her PhD in Applied Psychologist in 2019 at the University of Minho. Patrícia works as an invited assistant professor at the University of Maia, teaching in the Psychology degree, master’s, and PhD courses. Her research has focused primarily on depression and complicated grief conditions; she is investigating the clients’ process of change in psychotherapy, the effectiveness of psychological treatments, and how to train more effective psychotherapists. Currently she is member of two research and training projects in grief and bereavement.

Joana Isabel Tavares da Luz Soares
Portuguese Team: CHUSJ

Joana Luz Soares has a PhD in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of Porto and Master in Health Psychology from the University of Minho. She is a specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology by OPP with advanced specialty in Psychotherapy by OPP. She is a Psychotherapist by the Portuguese Society of Client-Centered Psychotherapy and Person-Centered Approach and practices clinical psychology at the S. João Hospital and University Center in Porto. She is a member of the Monitoring Committee for the Implementation of the Model of Differentiated Intervention in Complicated Grief, of the Portuguese Ministry of Health and a member of the pilot unit of the Prolonged Grief Consultation at the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de S. João do Porto.

Eduardo Carqueja
Portuguese Team: CHUSJ

Eduardo Carqueja is President of the North Regional Directorate of the OPP (Portuguese Psychologists Association) & Director of the CHUSJ Psychology Service Specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology by the Ministry of Health and the Portuguese Psychologists Association. Responsible for the Palliative Care Psychology consultation at Centro Hospitalar de S. João since 2005. Guest lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine of Porto, from the Catholic University of Lisbon and the Higher School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, in PhDs, Masters and Postgraduate courses in bioethics, palliative care and bereavement Member of the Commission for monitoring the implementation of the differentiated intervention model in complicated bereavement, of the Ministry of Health and a member of the pilot unit of the Prolonged Grief Consultation at the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de S. João do Porto. Coordinator of the Working Group Intervention in Palliative Care of the Portuguese Psychologists Association. Vice President of InLuto, Portuguese Association for Integrated Care in Grief.

Cláudia Sofia
Portuguese Team: CHUSJ

Cláudia Sofia Carvalho Moreira de Sousa PhD student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of Porto and Master in Health Psychology at the University of Minho.

Specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology and with advanced specialty in Neuropsychology by OPP.

Currently Coordinator of the Neuropsychology Unit of the Psychology Service of the S. João Hospital Center in Porto.

Works as a psychologist in Neurology, Neurosurgery and Neurocritical Services, intervening in crisis situations such as grief and situations of chronic and neurodegenerative disease.

Victor Viana
Portuguese Team: CHUSJ

PhD in Sciences of Nutrition by the Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences of Porto University (FCNAUP) and Master in Child Developmente by the Faculty of Psychology of Porto University. Specialist in Clinical Psychology, and Family Therapy by the Portuguese Society of Family Therapy. Psychologist in Hospital S João Porto, in the Child and Adolescents Psychology Unity, and coordenator of the  Research and Formation Unity. Associate (Invited) Professor in FCNAUP.

Maria Prieto
SPANISH TEAM: University of Comillas

María Prieto has directed 6 research projects as principal researcher. She has especially worked in forgiveness and reconciliation processes. She is a certified Psychotherapist with extensive clinical experience in grieving processes. Director of the research group “Clinical and Health Psychology” at Comillas University. Her areas of knowledge are: Psychology of Forgiveness, Work Stress, and Reconciliation.

Rafael Jódar
SPANISH TEAM: University of Comillas

Rafael Jódar is the coordinator of the adult clinical area of the Comillas Clinical Psychology Unit, UNINPSI. He is also the Director of the Master’s Degree in Experiential Humanist Psychotherapy and Emotion -Focused Therapy. Certified Supervisor (International Society for Emotion-Focused Therapy).

Juan Pedro Nuñez
SPANISH TEAM: University of Comillas

Juan Pedro Núñez is the director of the Department of Psychology, at Comillas University. He is a humanistic psychotherapist with extensive clinical experience. He participates in two research groups “Psychology of the life cycle and the family” and the “Francisco José Ayala Chair of Science, Technology and Religion”.

Mª Elena Gismero González
SPANISH TEAM: University of Comillas

Mª Elena Gismero González is a Professor at the Comillas Pontifical University (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences)
Teaching experience: Since 1986 she has taught various subjects of Bachelor’s Degree, Doctorate and Master’s degrees. She currently teaches Cognitive Therapies, Social Psychology (both in the Psychology Degree) as well as Common Factors in Psychotherapy (University Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology), in addition to being a supervisor of Practicum II and III.
Since 2017, she has been the Research Coordinator of the Clinical Psychology Unit (UNINPSI). Main research areas (clinical and health psychology): Psychology of forgiveness, Anorexia nervosa and eating disorders, Therapeutic alliance.

José Gamoneda Larripa
SPANISH TEAM: University of Comillas

José Gamoneda Larripa is a PhD student at the Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid studying the processing of the existential need in emotional transformation in Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) with clients with complicated grief. Master’s in General Health Psychology, Master’s in Experiential Humanistic Psychotherapy and EFT at the Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid. Clinical supervisor in the Master of Humanistic Psychotherapy and EFT at the Pontifical University of Comillas. Official EFT therapist and clinical psychologist.

Alejandro de la Traba López
SPANISH TEAM: University of Comillas

Alejandro de la Traba López is a PhD student at the Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid studying the role of the adaptative emotional pain in complicated grief. Master’s in General Health Psychology, Master’s in Experiential Humanistic Psychotherapy and EFT at the Comillas Pontifical University, Master´s in Behavioral therapy at the National University of Distance Education. Professor in Introduction to EFT at the Comillas Pontifical University.  Clinical supervisor in EFT Ecuador. Official EFT therapist and clinical psychologist. 

Carlos Hernández Fernández

Carlos Hernández Fernández, PhD, Master in Grief Intervention, Master in Human Resources, Graduate in Sociology, Graduate in Journalism and Graduate in Social Work. Professor at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and Director of the consulting firm DOSABRAZOS.

In the last few years he has focused part of his professional career on his research and dissemination activity on issues related to death, mourning and funeral rites.

Claudia Venuleo
Italian Team: University of Salento

PhD in Psychology of the Communicative and Socialization processes; clinical psychologist specialized in Group Psychotherapy. She is currently Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy). President of the Bachelor and Master Degree in Psychology at the University of Salento since 2022. Responsible for the psychological and educational curriculum of the Ph.D Program in Human and Social Sciences. Chief of the “Centre of Psychology” and Scientific manager of the “Models and methods for clinical intervention with the individual, groups and institutions” section of the Unisalento Laboratory of Applied Psychology. In 2020-21, Supervisor of the psychologists involved in the Unisalento telephone service of psychological support addressed to students and the academic community during the COVID-19 health emergency. Member of the Italian Association of Psychology. Member of the Editorial Board of Subject, Action, & Society: Psychoanalytic Studies and Practices and Frontiers in Psychology – Psychology for Clinical Settings. Her research interests regard the role of meaning-making in the onset of maladaptive pattern of behaviours and in the change’s processes which individuals and social groups deal with. On these issues, she has published about 100 scientific works – among them ‘The meaning of living in the time of COVID-19. A large sample narrative inquiry’ (Frontiers in Psychology, 2020) ‘Fear, affective semiosis, and management of the pandemic crisis: Covid-19 as semiotic vaccine?’ (Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2020); ‘Making sense of the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative longitudinal study investigating the first and second wave in Italy’ (Heliyon, 2021); ‘The COVID-19 pandemic from the health workers’ perspective’ (Human Arenas, 2021). She has taken part in several research projects, including “Grieving and bereavement in face of COVID-19 pandemic: a transnational study of pandemic impact on well-being” [led by ISMAI (Portugal), in collaboration with Comillas University (Spain), London University (UK) and Salento University (Italy).

Omar Gelo
Italian Team: University of Salento

Psychotherapist, Advisor of the Regional Order of Psychologists of Puglia.

From 2015 to 2022, President of the Bachelor and Master Degree in Psychology at the University of Salento. Member of the doctoral board in “Human and Social Sciences” at the same university since 2013. Member of the Council of the Conference of Academic Psychology (CPA) and of the Laboratory of Applied Psychology at the University of Salento. Coordinator of the International Doctorate in Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud University Vienna (2008-2018).

Member of the Italian Association of Psychology and of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Coordinator of Scientific Activities (2018-2020) and Coordinator of Institutional Relations (2011-2016) at the Italian section of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.

Associate Editor of “Frontiers in Psychology for Clinical Settings” and “Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome”. Peer reviewer in several international and national journals related to clinical psychology and psychotherapy.

Cosimo Alessandro Quarta
Italian Team: University of Salento

Project manager at the University of Salento.
Responsible for external funding for the Department of History, Society and Human Studies.
PhD in Economic Geography: he occasionally carries out research and teaching activities in the field of spatial development and technology transfer.

Tiziana Marinaci
Italian Team: University of Salento

Clinical psychologist and PhD in Human and Social Sciences at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy).
Holder of a research grant in clinical psychology in 2020-21, she is currently an adjunct professor in Clinical Psychology and Deviant Behavior at a three-year degree course in Sociology. In 2020-21, she was member of the psychologists’ staff engaged in the Unisalento telephone service of psychological support addressed to students and the academic community during the COVID-19 health emergency.
Her research interests focus on the role of social and cultural factors in the onset, development, and maintenance of problematic or risky behaviours, within a socio-constructivist and psychodynamic perspective. Over the years, she has taken part in several research projects, including “Grieving and bereavement in face of COVID-19 pandemic: a transnational study of pandemic impact on well-being” [led by ISMAI (Portugal), in collaboration with Comillas University (Spain), London University (UK) and Salento University (Italy)]

Lucrezia Ferrante
Italian Team: University of Salento

Clinical Psychologist and PhD in Human and Social Sciences at the University of Salento (Lecce – Italy). In 2020-21, she was member of the psychologists’ staff engaged in the Unisalento telephone service of psychological support addressed to students and the academic community during the COVID-19 health emergency.
She trained at the Department of Psychology (DPSS) of the University of Padua, working on planning, realizing, and evaluating programs to prevent at-risk behaviors. Her doctoral thesis aimed to investigate and recognize the role of sense-making processes in the onset of maladaptive pattern of internet use, with a specific focus on adolescents and young adults. In the clinical field, her experience includes interventions addressed to adolescents, adults, couples, and families, within a psychodynamic and systemic perspective.

Gloria Lagetto
Italian Team: University of Salento

Psychologist and psychodynamic psychotherapist, PhD in Human and Social Sciences at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy). She is currently contract professor in Methods and techniques of social research at a three-year degree course in Sociology. Her research interests include: (a) the issues of inclusion and integration of migrants and/or socio-economically disadvantaged individuals; (b) the analysis of methodologies used in qualitative, quantitative and mixed studies in the field of social research and clinical psychology; (c) Theimpact of cultural models on views of the health context, economic behaviour and political attitudes; (d) the analysis of consumer satisfaction in different sectors in (and as a) function of subjects’ specific views of their own life contexts (sensemaking). She collaborates as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist within projects oriented to containment discomfort related to migration trauma.

Simone Rollo
Italian Team: University of Salento

Psychologist and Ph.D. Student in Human and Social Sciences at the University of Salento (Lecce -Italy). In 2020-21, he was member of the psychologists’ staff engaged in the Unisalento telephone service of psychological support addressed to students and the academic community during the COVID-19 health emergency. His research interests regard the analysis of the symbolic processes underpinning the ways people interpret experience and identity and deal with problems in living, with a particular interest toward problematic and risk behaviors among adolescents. Over the years, she has taken part in several research projects, including the European project INTERREG – IPA CBC Italy Albania Montenegro entitled “Adriatic Network of Art Production for the development and enhancement of Intangible Cultural Heritage” (ADNICH), aimed to explore the meanings connected to the relationship with Otherness.

Marie Stigaard Tølbøll
Danish Team: DKNCG

Is both a psychologist on her way to clinical authorization and senior consultant at the Danish National Center for Grief(DNCG). For more than 10 years she has worked with bereavement – research projects, evaluation, developing training programs, designing and testing innovative interventions. She now combines her specialised knowledge with the clinical practice as a psychologist. Before joining DNCG, Marie worked both internationally and in Denmark as a consultant innovating, implementing and evaluating social policy.

Tina Graven Østergaard
Danish Team: DKNCG

Is head of international cooperation at the Danish National Center for Grief (DNCG). She has 10 years’ experience working with bereavement in DNCG nationally and internationally, and another 15+ years’ experience managing/implementing international projects under the auspices of the EU, UN, etc. She headed a Study of Grief in Greenland in 2018-19. Tina supports the membership organization Bereavement Network Europe hosted by DNCG and is also the organizer of the inaugural European Grief Conference 2022 held in partnership in Copenhagen 2022.
