R4: Good Practices Guidelines Manual
The Good Practices Guidelines Manual will gather the contributions of all partners and project results to reinforce good practices for grief and bereavement training and support according the three-tier public health model. It aims also to address the specific obstacles faced regarding training and practice dissemination and ways to overcome them.
Thus, it is important to enhance its complementary to the Training Manuals as an outcome regarding the reinforcement of the knowledge of all the participants. Moreover, the Good Practices Guidelines for bereaved people will be illustrative concerning the gathering of all outputs of the project, illustrating both good practices and problems, presented in a systematic and structured way, namely the need to foster an articulated, unified response to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in grief and bereavement issues and promoting more adaptive processes of reconstruction after a loss, in vulnerable, bereaved people in the countries involved and to enhance good practices in the professionals that enter in contact with the bereaved people.
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